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Massage Modalities -

Swedish - A Swedish massage is what most people think of when they think of a massage. It's a true massage.  It involves the Massage Therapist actually rubbing (massaging) the clients body.  Many modalities of massage don't involve massaging the body and some modalities of massage don't even involve touching the body. 

There are four strokes in Swedish massage: effleurage, petrissage, friction and tapotement. Effleurage is the long flowing strokes, petrissage is the kneading strokes, friction is used to generate heat and bring blood to the surface, and tapotement is the hitting type strokes. The aim of a Swedish massage is to relax the tissues of the body, relieve stress and improve circulation.

Structural Release Technique (SRT)*- Structural Release Technique is working with the muscle attachment on the bone, using a hold position release to correct tightness in a muscle. This technique works with the muscle system and the nervous system. This technique can make a tremendous change in your body. Perfect for those that feel uncomfortable taking off their clothes.

Deep tissue- A deep tissue massage just means the therapist is massaging deeply into the tissues of the body.

Sports - Can be made up of any modality that works well for an athlete will work well for someone who's not an athlete.  The techniques used in sports massage are the techniques that work well on someone who has just performed an athletic event.  Also, it can be techniques used to prepare a person for activity before an event.    Sports massage uses many of the same techniques that are found in Swedish massage, except that the person is dressed and no oil or lotion is used.  .

Neuromuscular* - A neuromuscular massage involves the therapist using postural assessment, muscle testing, exercise and stretching to balance the nervous system. 

Acupressure - Acupressure uses pressure in points of energy flow.  Pressure at these points is supposed to balance energy in the body (Chi).  The points are very close to acupuncture points and in reality probably are the same points

Myofascial Release - This modality involves the therapist turning or pressing the fascia (connective tissue) in a direction that causes the therapist to feel either increases or decreases resistance.  Ironically, either direction may work. If the direction that increases resistance doesn't work, the therapists will try the other direction and vice versa.

Trigger point - Trigger point is an area of muscle tissue that is hypercontracted.  The therapist pushes on this point to relax the entire muscle.

Lymph Drainage Therapy - Lymphatic drainage is used to decrease edema and has the side effect of improving the immune system. The therapist glides along path of the lymphatic vessels to return tissue fluid to the heart.  Excess tissue fluid accumulates with various conditions, such as congestive heart failure (CHF) 

Reiki* - Reiki is an energy modality that doesn't involve touch. The Reiki practitioner summons energy from the universe to heal or improve the health of their client.

Craniosacral* - Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) bathes the brain and spinal cord, much the same way that blood bathes the other tissues of the body. Craniosacral practitioners believe that the CSF creates a "pulse" like blood does in the arteries. This pulse can be felt by placing the hands on the head. 

Muscle Energy* - In this modality, the client uses a percent of his/her strength to resist the actions of the therapist. The clinic then relaxes the muscle to allow the therapist to stretch the muscle. This is usually done three consecutive times, followed by the client contracting the antagonist.

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